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李芷靚撰 朝陽科技大學建築及都市設計研究所碩士論文 2003年1月 指導教授徐慧民

英文題:Te Spatial Cognition of Christian Church Architecture Shape for User-- Taichung Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Church



在基督教整體的發展沿革中,教會的建築形式、建築上所使用的造型語彙、建築材料的運用、結構形式技術的創新,可藉由建築形式所展現的面貌而探究其時代背景及改變因素,而完全明白的顯現出來,其實就某種程度而言,即為產生空間認知差異的原因。 以台中地區教會發展歷史最為悠久的柳原基督長老教會為研究對象,經現地實證研究結果,探討人與環境互動中,人對空間所產生心理層面的感知,因環境、空間、文化背景及建築型態的不同,導致使用者對於教會建築內涵會有不同的空間認知結果。本研究方法由相關文獻及現地實證研究方式,以聖經中詞彙蒐集作為質化研究之主要依據,整理出空間認知形容詞彙,並配合量化方式,利用SPSS軟體進行資料統計分析,結合質化與量化方法探討。






In the successive evolution and development of Christianity, the genre of church architectures, the terms of architecture modeling, the performing of construction materials and the innovation of structure technique can be obviously discovered through observing the architecture and studying its history background and evolution elements.  In another factor to some certain degree, they are the reasons of divergence in spatial cognition.

The research target of this study is Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Church that has the long-standing history in Christianity development in Taichung Area.  Through on-site investigation into the interaction between people and environment, into the psychological recognition that brought forth to people by space, we learn how environment, space, culture background and different architecture genre conduce different spatial recognition to people who use the church.  This study is processed with referring to concerning documentations and collecting on-site information, and is converted to quantative research base on terms and vocabulary in Bible.  We put in order the adjectives of spatial recognition and then analyze the statistics with SPSS software and conduct the research with both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

From testing the general idea about Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Church from interviewees, we generalize four types of spatial recognition elements.  Among them “interesting – vigorous” obtains the strongest recognition, “peaceful – auspicious” the second, then “holy – free”, and “mysterious – highly straight up” gains the weakest recognition.

Integrating this research and analyzing the data information we found that the spatial recognition Liu-Yuan Presbyterian Church brings forth to Christians and non-Christians are identically the same.  While Christians perceive positive spatial recognition to church architecture, non-Christians make out negative recognition.  From this dissimilarity we learn that people from different religion belief and culture discern understandable spatial recognition to church architecture.  In addition, people from different fields might have different points of view toward the spatial recognition.

Concluding from the recognition obtained from the masses we learn that different environment provide different spatial recognition to different groups of people, therefore genre and terms of church architecture bring different influence to spatial recognition.  In this research, probe to the yardstick of architecture space, materials and colors, circumstances of light and the elements of the architecture vertical aspects should be reflected on the architecture and space design and provide designers ideas using on performing their rational concepts and technique.

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修訂日期: 2015 年 08 月 16 日