賴永祥長老史料庫 Elder John Lai's Archives


李佳奮撰 國立台南大學 台灣文化研究所在職專班碩士班 碩士論文 指導教授 戴文鋒 2011年, 台文題目: The Incident of the Presbyterian Church in Madou in 1895.

1895 年,對於臺灣近代歷史而言是個關鍵年代,它開啟了日本殖民統治臺 灣之序幕;但是對於麻豆基督長老教會而言,卻是其傳教史上遭逢嚴厲挫折之一 年。在當年的抗日戰役中,所伴隨爆發的麻豆基督長老教會事件,有教徒及其親 友總共19 人,因為受「基督徒私通日軍」傳言之毀謗,因而在地方頭人主導之 下,被同胞所殺害。就因為麻豆事件之性質以及被害者之身分特殊,也讓當時英 國駐臺領事,在事件發生後,強烈要求臺灣總督府能夠對於事件來懲兇及救濟, 以還其公道;臺南教士會也出面向地方人士提出賠償要求。但在這些救濟方案, 到最後皆無任何結果之下,更強化了麻豆民眾對於基督教之排斥心態,因而導致 麻豆地區教勢長久以來之積弱不振。 由於麻豆事件之延燒,也使得當時府城之宣教師們產生了危機意識,因此在 抗日戰役末期,在臺灣民主國劉永福主帥棄逃之後,府城百姓即將失序之際,毅 然接受了府城仕紳們及英國領事之請託,前赴日軍陣營,傳達了和平進府城之訊 息,而讓戰役提前來結束,並且保全了府城百姓以及基督徒之性命! 英國宣教師引領日軍進府城之行徑,更開啟了日治初期,宣教師與總督府高 層之互動契機;再加上麻豆事件之調查報告內容,讓府方瞭解基督徒易於被宣教 師來慫恿之現象,將來勢必成為新政實施之絆腳石。因此為防範於未然,府方採 取了基督教之保護及輔導措施。在新政府之關愛下,基督教之教勢因而得以穩定 成長! 麻豆事件規模雖小,但是其所具備之歷史意義以及所導致的影響層面,卻是 不容來忽視的!
1895 is a crucial year to the modern history of Taiwan which commenced Japan's colonization in Taiwan However to the Presbyterian Church in Madou it is the year when its missionary suffered from great frustration During the Anti-Japanese War the incident of the Presbyterian Church in Madou happened 19 followers their relatives and friends were slandered by the rumor of Christians' intrigue with Japanese soldiers" they were killed by the compatriots Due to the particularity of the Madou incident and the distinction of its victims the British consul in Taiwan urged Taiwan Governor-General Office to punish and salve for the justice Tainan Mission Council demanded the locals for compensation However when these compensation schemes reached no results the people in Madou repeled Christianity more which led to its long-term weakness in Madou Because of the spread of Madou incident the missionaries in Tainan had crisis consciousness Therefore during the final stage of the Anti-Japanese War after the marshal of Republic of Formosa Younfu Liu abandoned and fled and the people in Tainan were almost in chaos the request of the gentry in Tainan and the British consul was accepted; the message of peace in Tainan was transmitted to the Japanese military camp which advanced the time of ending battles and saved the people and Christians in Tainan The fact that the British missionaries led Japanese soldiers into Tainan initiated the interactions between missionaries and the upper management in Governor-General Office during the initial stage of Japanese ruling In addition the report of investigating the Madou incident made the office realized the fact that Christians were easily instigated by missionaries might become an obstacle to applying new policies; in order to prevent from it the office adopted protection and guidance for Christianity Under the care of the new government Christianity grew stably Although the Madou incident was just microcosm its influence on history might not be neglected

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修訂日期: 2015 年 08 月 16 日