表揚宋忠堅牧師娘伊利莎白 |
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伊利莎白 (Mrs. Dr. Elizabeth Christie Ferguson)是宋忠堅牧師(Rev. Duncan Ferguson)的元配,是醫師。 1892年2月19日到臺,1901年1月17日去世。 茲錄台南教士會的紀念議錄,如下: Tainan Council Minutes, January 25, 1901. Revs. Barclay, Ferguson and Nielson; Dr. Anderson; M. Johnson. 3. The Council records with deep sorrow the death of Mrs. Ferguson L.R.C.P. and S.,Ed. on 17th instant at the close of an illness of some weeks, incurred while on a visit to Baksa(木柵). Mrs. Ferguson came to Formosa in the year 1892, her whole term of service thus extending to about nine years. Her speedy acquisition of the language enabled her to enter early upon work, in which her full medical qualifications put her in a position to render a unique service to the Mission. Both in the City, and throughout the country, she carried on an extensive and highly valued medical work, in which her service were rendered freely to the Mission; the Women’s Missionary Association, at the request of the Council, making a small Annual grant towards defraying the cost of medicines. In accordance with the earnest and repeated requests of the Chinese, authorization was sent out from home for the opening of a women’s Hospital to be carried on by Mrs. Ferguson. Owing to various circumstances, this object, to the regret of many, was not accomplished. The result, in one way, was to leave her more time for visits to out-patients, ungrudgingly paid with no thought of self, at all hours of the day and night, whereby she endeared herself to the hearts of very many in the City and neighbourhood, as was evidenced by the sorrow so widely expressed at her death, and the large concourse of Christians and others who followed the funeral to the grave. The Council return thanks to god for the services thus rendered by her to the members of the Mission as well as to the Chinese during her too brief life among us; they express their profound sympathy with her husband and children, and with her parents and friends at home, praying god to grant them all needed comfort and direction. It was agreed that a copy of this Minute be sent to the Women’s Missionary association and to Mrs. Ferguson’s parents.
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