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By Matikainer Leena Marjatta(馬立娜宣教師)撰 

陳嘉冕han譯《恒春院訊》23 200610


Unforgettable time in Hengchun

I lift eyes up to the hills. From where does my help come?

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1,2

Its Gods grace that Christian medical work has continued in Hengchun nearly 50 years already. We know that it advances the spread of the gospel in southern Taiwan. Many, many patients have experienced Gods love there.

I think for instance of a ca fifty-year-old -lady, who suffered from abdominal pain. She had worshipped the spirits of ancestors and asked for help in Buddhists and Taoists temples, but had become even worse. She had to stay in hospital for several days. In her hopeless situation she was interested in hearing the gospel and learning to know Jesus Christ. In the end she was ready to accept Jesus as her personal Saviour.

After that she started to attend Sunday services. She memorized Bible stories, but was not able to read the Bible herself. After half a year this lady was baptized. Her life was changed. She began to pray fervently for her family members that they could be saved and took good care of her father-in-law at home. After some years her father-in-law became a Christian, too. Then all their idols were taken out to the field and burnt there.

Once a Taoist priest came to see a doctor. His diagnose was pneumonia. In the ward he was angry with every one who tried to tell him the gospel. Chinese Christian doctors and nurses prayers and loving attitude touched his heart and changed his attitude to the gospel. When leaving the hospital he asked me: ”Is there any one here who has time to come and tell me more about Jesus Christ?”

I am grateful to God for the years in Taiwan and the opportunity to serve patients with devoted Taiwanese Christians. May God richly bless the work of Hengchun Christian Hospital and may His great name be glorified by it.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were entreating through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2Cor 5:20-21








重視老人問題 心疼外籍新娘







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