Dr. Shuling Chen died. 陳淑玲在加拿大去世 ( 2014年7月29日)


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The Presbyterian College, Montreal. Shuling Chen(陳淑玲),1992 Graduate , Christian Education Dept., Taiwan Theological College and Seminary. (1992年台灣神學院基督教教育系畢業) 。

Tan C Leng
Shuling Chen holds a doctorate in Education and a master in Social work from McGill University, and a bachelor of Theology from Taiwan Presbyterian College and Seminary. Shuling has served as a hospital chaplain, Christian Education director and university instructor.
As Director of Educational Progammes of The Presbyterian College, Montreal, Shuling oversees the development of lay leadership courses and workshops for lay leaders and is involved in the Continuing Education program for clergy. Shuling also serves as the College chaplain, in which capacity she offers pastoral support to the students and organizes worship and other faith related events to ensure and stimulate the spiritual growth of the students
After almost a year and half of battling with lymphoma cancer,
To students, faculty and friends of Presbyterian College: It is with great sadness that we inform you of Dr. Shuling Chen’s death this
 morning at 2:26 a.m. on July 29. Dr. Chen was a much loved member of Presbyterian College and while we are grateful that her suffering has ended, we will deeply miss her wisdom, Christian charity, deep Christian faith and abiding friendship. She has touched the lives of many and for our time together we are deeply grateful. Information regarding services will be given once they are known.
Please pray for Shuling’s son Kelvin, his fiancée Lily and for her sister Stephanie and brother-in-law Charles and for her family back home in Taiwan.
Dr. D. Woods
All are welcome to attend a service at the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul on Saturday August 2nd at 2:00pm.

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