Mr.Ka-pau 潘加苞打歪


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By Campbell, William "Sketches from Formosa" 1915 p.372-373

[Note in Chinese. 潘加苞打歪,於1872年3月24日,由李庥牧師施洗,時44歲;他是潘智仔踏彼里之祖父(參見《教會史話》211 內社首次領洗者)。加苞於1887年8月19日去世]


Mr. Ka-pau  

This was the Sek-hwan Oriesimus, or the “Quartus, a brother” of our Mission. In other words, although holding no office in the Evangelistic or Educational branches of the work, he acted faithfully for many years by carrying letters, books, and sums of money over our wide field at a time when there was no Postal service in Formosa; and St. Paul’s Epistles show what an important place is given to those brethren who rendered such service to the Church. Others besides Ka-pau were also called to be our messengers elsewhere, but we were occasionally placed at a disadvantage when reports reached us of their letters having miscarried, or sums of money they carried having failed to reach their destination. It was never so with Ka-pau, whose duties took him over the six days’ journey from Tainan to Lai-sia (內社) . He was always up to time, always full of good humour, and always very exact in carrying out the little commissions with which he was entrusted.  

Our friend was baptized on 24th March, 1872, when he was 44 years of age, acted as Deacon to the Lai-sia congregation for more than ten years, and died on 19th August, 1887. Even yet, the brethren have a very kindly remembrance of Brother Ka-pau.  

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