悼念Jonathon Sturtridge青年宣教師


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台灣基督長老教會總會消息 2018年3月30日。 一位來自英國歸正教會(United Reformed Church)的青年宣教師,於1990年自願來台灣基督長老教會(PCT)宣教。他於1993年3月31號,在屏東因肇逃事故不幸身亡,並葬於台灣 。在這受難週,我們收到Jonathon母親Jen Sturtridge一則簡短卻令人感歎的訊息。 

 a young missionary volunteer who came to serve with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) in 1990 from the United Reformed Church (URC), England. As a result of a tragic “hit and run” accident Jonathon died on 31 March 1993 in Pingtung, Taiwan where he was also interred.
This Holy Week received a short but poignant note from Jonathan’s mother Jen Sturtridge.
Jen wrote, “Saturday is the 25th Anniversary of Jonathon's death. Easter greetings to everyone at PCT with grateful thanks for all you have done for us.”16 December 2017 would have been Jonathon’s fiftieth (50) birthday; his mother and Jonathon's only sibling, Caroline Sturtridge, sent a donation towards scholarships for students at Tainan Theological College and Seminary where Jonathon first served for two years before moving to PCT Pingtung Student Centre. Such a loving gesture enabling Jonathon’s ministry to continue through the lives of others – a fragrant memorial – thank you and God bless you. (posted with Jen's permission)
Jen寫到:「這個禮拜六是Jonathon逝世25週年紀念日,祝福PCT的大家復活節平安,感謝你們為我們所做的一切。」2017年12月16號是Jonathon的50歲冥誕,他的母親和唯一的妹妹Caroline Sturtridge捐贈獎學金給台南神學院的學生。那裡也是Jonathon頭兩年服事之地在那之後他前往屏東中會服事。Jonathon充滿愛的舉動,使他的宣教精神因而得以傳承。所有人皆有感於他高尚的品行,感謝你,願上帝賜福予你和家人。 (經Jonathon母親Jen的同意)  

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