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亞洲神學家小山晃佑(The Rev. Dr. Kosuke Koyama),於2009年3月25日在美國麻州Springfield 的病院去世。
他以《水牛神學》(Waterbuffalo Theology) 一書聞名全世界。

小山晃佑,在1929年12月10日出生於日本東京,1952年東京神學大學畢業,後到美國先後於紐約協和神學院、哲吾(Drew)大學研究,而於普林斯頓神學院(Princeton Theological Seminary),獲Ph.D學位。其後,他到泰國神學院從事神學教育工作,前後共8年,於1968至1974年任東南亞神學協會( Association of Theological Schools in Southeast Asia)總幹事.並任東南亞神學研究院院長(駐在新加坡),1974至1980年在紐西蘭奧達��大學(Otago)任教。1980年起受聘為紐約協和神學院之「普世學及世界基督教」教授,直至1996年退休。

小山晃佑在泰國孕育了對亞洲處境及文化的神學反���功夫,��後出版了《水牛神學》Waterbuffalo Theology. New York: Orbis Books, 1974一書;後陸續有神學著作,包括No Handle on the Cross (New York: Orbis Books, 1977.)、Three Mile an Hour God ( New York: Orbis Books, 1979)、Mount Fuji and Mt. Sinai: A Critique of Idols. ( New York: Orbis Books, 1985.)、Theology in Contact、《默想五十題》、《五分鐘神學》.......等(不另詳列)。 《紐約時報》於2009年3月31日刊出Douglas Martin 所撰的長篇訃文,文頭指小山:A theologian internationally known for using arresting metaphors drawn from his experience as a missionary to convey an influential vision of Christianity as compatible with Asian traditions, 又Dr. Koyama, who taught at the Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan, strove to make the teachings of Christ culturally meaningful to Asians, without sacrificing the essential Gospel message. His 1974 book, “Water Buffalo Theology,” was “one of the first books truly to do theology out of the setting of Asian villages,” Donald Shriver, president emeritus of Union, said in an interview on Tuesday.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia也立即增加 Kosuke Koyama 目;玆��錄一二���下:

In works such as Waterbuffalo Theology and Three Miles an Hour God, he defended a theology that he considered to be accessible to the peasantry in developing nations, rather than an overly academic systematic theology. One of his most well-known books, "Waterbuffalo Theology", was described as "ecological theology, liberation theology and contribution to Christian-Buddhist dialogue". In No Handle on the Cross: An Asian Mediation on the Crucified Mind (1976), Koyama explained how the cross can be considered the symbol of Christian suffering, and began the book with a chapter entitled "The Cross and the Lunchbox". Koyama explained, in the preface to this book, which he wrote in Tokyo at Christmas 1975, how he did Christian missionary work in Thailand from 1960 to 1968, and how his experiences in Thailand rekindled interest in Asian religion in him (Koyama, 1976).

He wrote other books including From Mount Sinai and Mount Fuji. Waterbuffalo Theology is, in part, an examination of Christian theology within the context of Thai Buddhist society, growing out of Koyama's missionary experience in Thailand. Koyama was an editor of the South East Asia Journal of Theology, for which he himself wrote a considerable number of articles. Koyama published at least thirteen books, including "On Christian Life" (currently available only in Japanese) and over one hundred scholarly articles. Koyama's work has been described as helping to bridge the boundaries between East and West, between Christianity and Buddhist thought, between the rich and the poor. It has been pointed out that he has no over-arching system in this theology, which shows commitment to serving a "broken Christ trying to heal a broken world". He was named as an important figure for the development of a global Christianity (Cohn-Sherbok, 1998)...........

His last work, "Theology and Violence: Towards A Theology of Nonviolent Love" will be published in Japanese in April 2009, by a publishing firm in Tokyo (Source: www.pres-outlook.com/news-and-analysis/1/8640.html, accessed April 2009).


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