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余饒理(George Ede) 受英國長老教會之派,於1883年12月23日到臺;以教育宣教師身分,擔任長老教中學首任校長;1896年9月離臺,將轉赴客家宣道區。茲錄台南教士會對他在臺事奉表示感謝的議錄及余饒理離臺寫給台灣會友的批,如下:

Tainan Council`s Appreciative Minute

Tainan Council. 501. Sept.16, 1896. Revs. Barclay, Ferguson, and Nielson;  Drs. Anderson and Landsborough.

1. The Minutes regarding Mr.Ede was submitted and approved, as follows:--

Mr. George Ede, accompanied by Mrs. Ede, arrived at Tainanfu in December, 1883, as Educational Missionary, being the first in Formosa to hold hat appointment. He soon showed himself a man in every way suited for the post, not only by his earnest Christianity, but also by his enthusiasm for his profession, by the abilities he brought to the discharge of his duties, and the loving wisdom which guided is actions in relation to his colleagues and his pupils. His principal work was done in connection with the Middle School, which he began the year after his arrival, and carried on during his first term in the Old House(Kulau), latterly in the large handsome building erected from his plans under his own personal careful supervision. During these last few years, the work for different causes has been a good deal interrupted, but all the same it has gained a wide and well-deserved reputation throughout the church, and has been helpful in training a number of young men who give promise of much usefulness in various departments. In many other ways Mr.Ede interested himself n the welfare of the people, such as, by opposition t, the practice of buying and selling children, the institution of Fellowship Meetings, and the preparation of Romanized literature. In this last department his chief work, in addition to the translation of a catechism and Geography which have had wide circulation, was the writing of a translation with full notes of the native Three Character Classic*. He took a warm interest not only in his own but in all departments of the work, and never shrank from a full share of the burden of carrying it on. In the performance of his duties, Mr.Ede was worthily seconded by Mrs. Ede, whose kindness and willing service commended her much both to her friends in the Mission Circle and to the Chinese. It was a great grief to all that the failure of Mrs. Ede`s health compelled her return home, and prevents her return to Formosa, involving the departure of Mr. Ede to the Mainland, where it is hoped Mrs. Ede be able to enjoy better health. Our best wishes go with them, and our prayers that this plan may be found feasible, so that their services may still be retained by our Mission, and they be enabled to continue in the work which has always been so dear to them. The Secretary was instructed to send a copy of this Minute t Mr. Ede.    


余先生離別e5批 《台南府城教會報》

我所疼所����慕e5兄弟姊妹以及少年e5朋友,請你准我對lin2講起幾若句話。照lin2知先生娘來台灣不止愛toa3 ti7 lin2 chia,iau2-ku2有犯著重病到應該著倒去祖家,因為向望伊若toa3 ti7唐山會較勇健,英國e5教會有派我���去ti7汕頭較內山e5所在,就是客人e5中間,ti7 hia做主e5工。我離開台灣其實m7是本意,算是姑不chiong,就是合ti7上帝e5旨意。

我toa3台灣已經十數年,當chiah久捷捷有佮lin2交陪,是hou7我e5心歡喜到be7顧tit。Lin2常常疼痛我,對重上帝准我傳e5教示,我應該著ka7 lin2說多謝,我往往數念lin2,亦雖然我e5身無thang較久長ti7 chia,iau2- ku2我愛lin2明明知我e5神時時佮lin2 ti7-teh。 對我來台灣到今我獨獨有意思愛贊lin2 bat主,也常常愛歸榮光ti7伊,我真正歡喜因為ti7這十數年e5中間有看著台南e5教會大進步,到這 tiap8有設法度不止齊備,亦我大大向望教會thang漸漸興起,總是若愛得著這號這號e5利益逐家,不論是男婦老幼,的確著盡伊e5本分,亦時時著欣慕倚靠聖神e5權能。除這以外實在無別路thang進益。

咱toa3 ti7這世間是若親像出外。咱榮光e5兜ti7天nih。Ti7 hia攏是福氣了了。咱tiam3 ti7地面上tauh8-tauh8著著磨,也有時抵著試煉憂悶e5事誌。Iau2-ku2咱決斷m7-thang餒志放sak真理。的確著結連ti7主。逐時著全全倚靠伊。若失落本份就be7免得受害,抑若無反悔實在beh永遠沈淪。我所疼e5好朋友,請你准我求lin2著脫離這個上大e5災厄。Ti7死後無thang移易,所以對這陣著決意toe3主,無hou7甚物人甚物物迷惑lin2 e5心。Che正是我迫切e5話,我e5全心所愛。因為咱e5國ti7天nih,因為主beh koh來審判眾人。亦因為咱thang向望hou7主變化咱卑賤e5身軀學伊榮光神靈e5體,咱逐家著屬主堅固企在。(看腓立比第3章尾佮第4章頭)

願所疼所欣慕e5會友做盡忠到路尾,就咱雖然ti7這世間若無koh再相見面,iau2-ku2 thang定定向望會得做夥聚集ti7咱e5救主耶穌基督e5位前,thang相佮享受永遠無限量e5福氣。心所願。余饒理寫e5。


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