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余饒理先生(Mr. George Ede),於1904年1月7日在五經富去世。


Tainan Council Minutes, February 2, 1904. Revs. Campbell, Barclay, Ferguson and Nielson; Dr. Anderson; Mr.Johnson........

15. Noted that a telegram had been received, followed by a letter, from Mr. Mclver, informing us of the death of Mr. Ede on 7th ultimo.The members of Council thereupon expressed their sense of the loss; thus sustained by our mission, an their high appreciation of Mr. Ede as a brother beloved, and as an earnest, capable, and successful fellow-worker.

Mr. Ede began his missionary career in Formosa in 1883, and for thirteen years set a fine example to all of single-hearted devotion in superintending the Educational Department of our work. It was his privilege to establish the Middle School for boys, an institution which he presided over till 1896 in a way that gained for him the respect and affection of everyone. In the lives of those young persons he trained here by precept and example, his influence will continue to bear fruit for years to come. We greatly sympathize with Mrs. Ede, and we pray that the God of all hope and comfort may cause His grace to abound in this hour of her sore bereavement. We also herby convey to our sorrowing colleagues at Wukingfu our sincere sympathy in the loss they have met with. [It was agreed that a copy of this Minute be sent to Mrs. Ede, and one to Mr. Mclver.]

余先生 高金聲報 《台灣府城教會報》第239卷,1905年2月

余饒理先生,lin2 bat伊mah? Bat伊,21年來台灣開設中學,培養學生。起頭中學設ti7許厝,後來學內學生宿舍beh倒,就來建置1間新中學ti7新樓內。阮向望伊會thang久長toa3台灣栽培中學e5學生,不幸ti79年前先生娘破病,無合水土,就搬徙去汕頭e5內山五經富,tiam3 hia設中學,教示客人e5子弟。也bat聽著伊有患著pian3 sui7 e5病,ti7英國調養hou7醫生醫治,總--是無齊備好,若是伊疼著這東爿e5人,所以phoe命koh過來五經富教學生。

今余先生in現時an3 choaN2? Hai7!真可惜! Ti7唐山koh起病,到西曆正月7號ti7五更舖過往。伊攏無囡仔。先生娘單身toa3世間,為著lam2身命,先生e5面今無thang koh看著!早ti7台灣盡忠做工,真gau5栽培眾少年人,開拆福音極其明朗,款待別人全心疼痛。先生雖然無ti7台灣,若是伊所做e5工iau2留ti7台灣,先生雖然離開世間,若是伊所行e5好iau2 teh利益人,所以be7禁tit著寫幾字上報來數念。望看報e5人替先生娘祈禱,hou7伊靠主來受安慰。咱父e5厝清氣榮光,無罪、無病、無死,無koh離別,福氣齊全,永遠o-lo2、歡喜。



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