梅佳蓮教授 Kathleen (Kate) Moody 安息 |
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前台南神學院宣教師梅佳蓮榮譽教授 Prof. Kathleen (Kate) Moody 於2014年8月4日凌晨2點在英國Chichster的St. Richard’s Hospital蒙主恩召,享年94歲。梅教授於1950年至1985年服務台南神學院35年之久,在校期間設立教會音樂系及擔任系主任,培育諸多教會音樂人才,她對台灣教會及台南神學院之音樂教育貢獻良多。她的告別禮拜將於8月18日拜一中午12點15分於Chichester的St. Richard’s Roman Catholic Church舉行。玆錄安禮文牧師 (Rev. Raymonds Adams) 致朋友報梅佳蓮教授安息 (August 4, 2014 at 3:48:44 PM EDT) 函,如下。Dear FriendsI am writing with the sad news that our dear friend Kathleen (Kate) died this morning at 2 a.m. in St Richard's Hospital in Chichester (U.K.) She celebrated her 94th birthday just over five weeks ago. Her physical health had been deteriorating for some time, though mentally and spiritually she was as active, interested and alive as always. Kathleen was admitted to hospital last Friday. Two of her friends (Clare and Ralph Apel) were with her when she died peacefully this morning. I travelled to Chichester today and am contacting you from details in K's address books (thus it is not a complete list of friends - I wonder if you could contact those whom you know who ought to be informed).K's niece, Dr Elisabeth Gidengil will travel from Hong Kong next week and the funeral (a Requiem Mass followed by committal at Chichester Crematorium) will be held at St Richard's Roman Catholic Church, Cawley Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1XB on Monday 18th August at 12.15 p.m.If you wish to send a greeting or card, they can be sent to Kathleen's address (where her family or one of her many Chichester friends will collect it) or to the Church (address above).As August is often a difficult month to get people together, I wondered if it might be possible to have a memorial service in London at a later date. I will have to consult about this, but it may make it possible for more friends to be present.If I can provide further information, please contact me at the above address, or call me on 020 8886 6438.Some of you will have known Kathleen for longer than I - but I met her first in 1971 in Cambridge, enjoyed being her colleague in Tainan Theological College's Department of Church Music in the late 1970's until her retirement in 1985, keeping in regular contact through all the years since. I had arranged to have lunch with her this week in Chichester, but it was not to be.The music which has been buzzing round my head all day is the Bach chorus which she often conducted with such conviction from the Tainan College organ/choir gallery.The English version isWherefore despair?God the Lord is everywhere!God is good, and with compassionGives to all on earth his aid;His strong arm, in powerful fashion,All good things for us hath made.In his mystic ways progressing,Turns he every want to blessing.So, my soul, now do not fear;God is living, God is here!Words, translated from the German by Laurence DaviesMusic, J.S. Bach 1685-1750 (music: 'Gott lebet noch', sacred song for voice & continuo (Schemelli Gesangbuch No. 488, BWV 461With kind regardsPeng- An!Ray (An Le-bun)
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