Dr. Matthew Dickson: Council’s appreciative Minute


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德馬太醫生(Dr. Matthew Dickson) 是英國長老教會駐臺第2位醫療宣教師(請參見《教會史話》212 德馬太醫生)。德醫生於1871年2月10日抵台灣,醫生娘於1874年12月22日抵台灣,而夫婦於1878年1月日辭職回國。臺南教士會同僚甘為霖,巴克禮及施大闢決議致贈送別詞,文見於「���南教士會議事錄」第22回,1878年1月16日第1則(Handbook,P.5)。醫館因德醫生返國一時暫停醫務,迄至1879年1月14日安彼得醫生(Dr. Peter Anderson)抵台後才重開。

Tainan Council Minutes,January 16, 1878. Revs. Campbell, Barclay, and Smith. 1.

A draft copy of the statement relative to Dr. Dickson’s resignation was read and

entered on our minutes; copies being sent to Dr. Dickson and Mr. H.M. Matheson; it reads as follows:-

On te occasion of the departure of Dr. Dickson from Formosa, where for the last seven years he has been labouring as Medical Missionary, his colleagues in Taiwanfu desire to express their sense of the loss which, personally and as a Mission, they thereby sustain. They remember with gratitude to God his constant labours.as Medical Missionary both in the Hospital at Taiwanfu and throughout the country at the various stations, as well as his general interest in all matters that concerned the welfare of the Church and people. More particularly, they rejoice that there was given him such an amount of discrimination and knowledge of the native character as enabled him materially to assist in detecting and arresting what would otherwise have proved sympathy for the difficulties of the people, or in appreciation of the better qualities which they displayed. They feel also their indebtedness to him as their medical attendant; not only for the professional skill always placed willingly at their service, but also for the kindness and friendly sympathy shown to them in their illness. It was with sincere regret that they heard from Dr. Dickson of his intention on his return home to serve his connection with the Mission. They have no desire to discuss the motives that may have led to this, but they rejoice to know that, at least in his relations with his colleagues, there has never been anything of such a nature as to prompt the step. Without seeking to forecast the future, they desire to say that they would offer him a sincere and hearty welcome back should he ever see his way to resume his post as Medical Missionary in Formosa. In any case, wherever his lot in life may be cast, they will follow him with their best wishes and with the earnest prayer that God in His mercy may give to him and his an abundant blessing.


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