Mackay, Oct.1-Dec.31, 1878










Diary 1871.11.01

Diary 1872.03.09-10

Diary 1872.04.19-24

Diary 1872.04.25-05.31

Diary 1872.06.01-30


 Diary 1873.02.09

 Diary 1873.02.10-16


Diary 1878.08.20-09.30










Diary, 1884.07.02-09





















Diary, 1900.05.19-28

Diary ,1900.05.29-12.31





1878.10.01 Tues. Hot Barclay (巴克禮) still here.

1878.10.02 Wed. At noon (巴克禮) left for Amoy (廈門)

1878.10.03 Thurs. Hot Trying to buy ground for Hospital

1878.10.04 Fri. Teaching and trying to buy ground.

1878.10.05 Sat. Hot. Hot. Went with Junor(閏虔益牧師) to Consuls & into the temple where a na*** met to keep Man fr. Selling ground.

1878.10.06 Sun. I went to Ho-be (滬尾/淡水) chapel fore & Afternoon. Wind & rain like typhoon.

1878.10.07 Mon. Last night great storm. Wrote home to Father and Mother-- to Lien-shore. J. Croil editor " Record"

1878.10.08 Tues. teaching Campbell (甘為霖)arrived

1878.10.09 Wed. ,,

1878.10.10 Thurs. ,,

1878.10.11 Fri. ,,

1878.10.12 Sat. ,,

1878.10.13 Sun. With Campbell(甘為霖) came to Lun-a-teng(崙仔頂). In afternoon to Toa-liong-pong(大龍洞) Temple tree an idol.?

1878.10.14 Mon. Started for Khoe-chiu (溪州). dinned In eve. Sin-tiam(新店), not much rain.

1878.10.15 Tues. Bad walking to SaN-teng-po(三重埔). Keng phai khi

1878.10.16 Wed. Walked over hills to Ke-lung(雞籠/基隆). Bridges all gone. Arrived at noon.

1878.10.17 Thurs. started on Journey arrived at Teng-siang-khoe(頂雙溪) in eve. Extreacted teeth and preached.

1878.10.18 Fri. Walked to Thau-siaN(頭城). remained in temple. Dispensed and preached.

1878.10.19 Sat. Walked along shore to So o(蘇澳). stayed with Tsong-li(總理). Dispensed and preach.

1878.10.20 Sun. Went to Lam-hong-o(南方澳) aborigines gathered around. Extract & preach

1878.10.21 Mon. started back, passed through Sa-kiat-a-koe(三結仔街/宜蘭). Preached to crowds in eve. at Thau-siaN (頭城)in temple. talked with Priest.

1878.10.22 Tues. Arrived at Teng-siang-khoe(頂雙溪). Splendid gathering in eve. on stage , extracted teeth & then preached to fr. 3 to 500.

1878.10.23 Wed. arrived at Kelung(雞籠/基隆)

1878.10.24 Thurs. I & Campbell(甘為霖) went to coal harbor, returned in eve. and I walked to Nia-kha (嶺腳)& took boat for Tamsui (淡水). Wrote to prof. Maclaran.

1878.10.25 Fri. Walked fr. Kan-tau; arrived at Tamsui mid day fine weather. Mrs. M. (偕牧師娘)sick.

1878.10.26 Sat. Chhang-a(偕牧師娘) sick.

1878.10.27 Sun. myself sick

1878.10.28 Mon. at Ho-be (滬尾/淡水)

1878.10.29 Tues. ,, ,,

1878.10.30 Wed. Went to Go-ko-khiN(五股坑) met Campbell(甘為霖)

1878.10.31 Thurs. still there with Campbell.

Nov. 1878

1878.11.01 Fri. started with Mrs. M . Tan-ho(陳和), Tsun(葉俊), Sun(葉順), Su(李賜), Kau(柯玖)and in eve. at Tiong-lek(中壢) --

1878.11.02 Sat. at Tek-chham (竹塹/新竹) Went to see dying prefect.

1878.11.03 Sun. 3 Hot

1878.11.04 Mon ,, ,,

1878.11.05 Tues. In eve. Campbell (甘為霖)came remained overnight.

1878.11.06 Wed Cool

1878.11.07 Thurs. Tek-chham(竹塹/新竹) ,, ,,

1878.11.08 Fri ,, ,,

1878.11.09 Sat. ,,

1878.11.10 Sun

1878.11.11 Mon Still in Tek-chham, grentle showers--

Extracted 431 teeth in one day

Saw 126 patients

1878.11.12 Tues Tek-chham(竹塹/新竹)

1878.11.13 Wed ,, ,,

1878.11.14 Thurs ,, ,,

1878.11.15 Fri ,,

1878.11.16 Sat

1878.11.17 Sun ,, ,,

Opened the Tek-chham (竹塹/新竹)chapel Forenoon Giet(林孽), Tan-ho(陳和)and myself spoke. Healed 126 patients

In eve. Kau(柯玖), Tan ho(陳和) and I spoke Jain & Su & Mrs. Mac. here crowded all day

1878.11.18 Mon -Fine weather.

A Hoa arrived. Large meeting in eve. Wrote to Prof. Maclaran

1878.11.19 Tues Walked to Tiong-lek(中壢). Strong wind.

Mrs. M. Went to Ang-mng-kang(紅毛港)

1878.11.20 Wed Still there.

1878.11.21 Thurs Mrs. M. Came to Tiong-lek(中壢)--

1878.11.22 Fri Went to Lam-kham (南崁)and away up hill to meet Mr. Junor & Mrs. J. in eve. arrived at Tiong-lek(中壢).

1878.11.23 Sat Came to Tek-chham(竹塹/新竹), Junor preached. I & A hoa

1878.11.24 Sun Forenoon preached myself alone.

Afternoon & eve. A hoa & myself

1878.11.25 Mon  Went to temple Seng-ong-bio (城皇廟)& Goa-kong-koan(外公館).

1878.11.26 Tues Went to Sing-kang(新港), hard travelling.

1878.11.27 Wed Went with Mr. Junor(閏虔益牧師) to Au-lang(後龍). I extracetd teeth.

1878.11.28 Thurs

Junor and I went to a place to see a Theatrical where I extracted teeth etc.

I conversed with many.

1878.11.29 Fri Returned to Tek-chham(竹塹/新竹)-- good meeting in eve.

1878.11.30 Sat

Came to Ang-mng-kang (紅毛港) arrived forenoon I preached in eve. house filled.

Dec. 1878

1878.12.01 Sun

All of us at Am-mng-kang(紅毛港). Morning service I preached well filled.

Afternoon I preached Mr. Junor also adressed, house full eve. I preached house full.

1878.12.02 Mon Came thr. country to Tiong-lek(中壢)about 4 P.M. Fine day.

1878.12.03 Tues Came by Tho-a-hng(桃園) to Sin-tsng (新莊)and Au-po(後埔) service in chapel in eve. Junor spoke as well as I.

1878.12.04 Wed Came early by Bang-kah(艋舺), Toa-liong-pong (大龍洞) and Lun-a-teng(崙仔頂). Mr. Junor and Mrs. Went to Ho-be. I and Mrs. M. came to Toa-liong-poing.

1878.12.05 Thurs Went to Go-ko-khiN (五股坑)and remained over night.

1878.12.06 Fri At Chiu-nih (洲裡/蘆洲)all night.

1878.12.07 Sat

Arrived late at Toa-liong-pong went to Goan so’s wedding

Returned late to chapel and found Mr. Barklay(巴克禮)waiting.

1878.12.08 Sun  He & I preached. Good attendance.

1878.12.09 Mon

Midnight T. Barcklay(巴克禮) went to Ho-be (滬尾/淡水) and I went to Sin-tiam(新店).

1878.12.10 Tues

Came by Khoe-chiu (溪州)to Toa-liong-pong(大龍洞). Fine weather.

1878.12.11 Wed Still here. Wrote to Maclaran.

1878.12.12 Thurs. Went to SaN-teng-po (三重埔)and back.

1878.12.13 Fri At Toa-liong-pong (大龍洞).

1878.12.14 Sat ,, ,,

1878.12.15 Sun In morning went to Bang-kah(艋舺) & returned to Toa-liong-pong.

1878.12.16 Mon at Toa-liong-pong.

1878.12.17 Tues Mr. Ord. arrived in eve. from Kelung(雞籠/基隆).

1878.12.18 Wed Lovely day. Our great meeting 100 women 400 men dinner late. Mr. & Mrs. Junor arrived at 3 or 4. & went out to Tamsui in eve. Glorious meeting. Mr. Ord. there-----

1878.12.19 Thurs

I went with Ord. to Chiu-nih (洲裡/蘆洲) & Au-po-a (後埔)in eve. at Toa-liong-pong(大龍洞)

1878.12.20 Fri Went to Sin-tiam(新店)

1878.12.21 Sat Came to dined with Lidlaw & Scott on boat Sat-teng-po (三重埔)and Tsui-tng-kha (水返腳/汐止)where we spent the rich man's house--

1878.12.22 Sun Came to Kelung.(雞籠/基隆) at 12 noon and dined.

then Ord. & myself went to Baudain's. heavy rain.

1878.12.23 Mon Fine day

1878.12.24 Tues ,, ,,

1878.12.25 Wed With Mrs. M. to Coal harbor. Dined with Tyzack --

1878.12.26 Thurs In afternoon came down river in Morning came down at Toa-tiu-tia(大稻埕).

Snow (雪)on mountain Toa-tun-soan(大屯山).

1878.12.27 Fri Came out to Tamsui. Called with Junor (閏虔益牧師)on Consul.

1878.12.28 Sat Fine day

1878.12.29 Sun Went to Pat-li-hun (八里坌)with Junor-- rain.

1878.12.30 Mon Tamsui(淡水)

1878.12.31 Tues

God I thank Thee for caring for me. Helpers attended to 1456 patients in 1878. Myself to 2916 and extracted teeth 1436.