Mackay :1900.05.29-12.31










Diary 1871.11.01

Diary 1872.03.09-10

Diary 1872.04.19-24

Diary 1872.04.25-05.31

Diary 1872.06.01-30


 Diary 1873.02.09

 Diary 1873.02.10-16


Diary 1878.08.20-09.30










Diary, 1884.07.02-09





















Diary, 1900.05.19-28

Diary ,1900.05.29-12.31




1900年5月29日馬偕從最後一次巡視噶瑪蘭諸教會回淡水,不久因喉癌聲音沙啞。 11月1日前往香港治療。

1900.05.29 Tues.

Came to Tamsui (淡水) by steam launch. In the eve. met in Col. Hot.

1900.05.30 Wed.

Hos. at noon—Lectured in Col.(學堂) Cool weather. Col. in eve.

1900.05.31 Thurs.

Fine day—Baro. 29-16 Ther. 78’ Arose early and studied. At 3:30 P.M. British Consul sent round a Telegram. Roberts occupied Johannesburg.

June 1900

1900.06.01 Fri.

At 10. 30. A.M. Mr. Ashton send round Telegram “ Krugen bolted Roberts Protoria war practically over. Thank God—God save the Queen”

1900.06.02 Sat.

Hot. Ther. 84’ in the house—Busy with mission work—Studying also—

1900.06.03 Sun.

Kau-a (玖仔) and I went to He-io-a (灰窯仔)– He spoke so did I – 18 Read hymns— In Co. in eve.

1900.06.04 Mon.

Little cloudy – close and hot. Dr. Wilkinson Called and we went to Hos. Rain—

1900.06.05 Tues.

Baro. 29-14 Ther. 78’ Damp –rain- Spoke in Col. on Chemistry—

1900.06.06 Wed.

Hot. Voice still hoarse – usual work.

1900.06.07 Thurs.

Col. Hos. and mission work—

1900.06.08 Fri.

Kau-a (玖仔)and I went to Bang-kah(艋舺), then by train to Tho-a-hng(桃園) then to SaN-kak-eng(三角湧). Stayed in Lim Lok’s house—

1900.06.09 Sat.

Came by Bang-kah(艋舺) in 3 hours. Meeting in eve.

1900.06.10 Sun.

Came out to Ho-be, Sun-a preached my voice still hoarse—

1900.06.11 Mon.

Very busy with mission work—

1900.06.12 Tues.

Hos. and Co. work. Heavy rain—

1900.06.13 Wed.

Hos. and Col. work. Heavy rain.

1900.06.14 Thurs.

Dr. Wilkison and a Mr. Lachlan from Jordine, Matheson & Co. came at noon.

1900.06.15 Fri.

Wet and cool. Hos. Col. Rain.

1900.06.16 Sat.

16 Spoke at 7 A.M. in Col. Cool day. Hos. at noon Col. in eve.

1900.06.17 Sun.

Rain—Kau-a (玖仔)and I went to Ho-be-a and heard 30 read hymns—We both spoke – Came back— Col. meeting in the eve. Spoke on Justice by faith—

1900.06.18 Mon.

Some rain, I spoke in Col. on Gal. II 17-21. Throat still unwell – Hard to speech.

1900.06.19 Tues.

Usual work through the day—

1900.06.20 Wed.

Pleasant weather. Hos. Col. and eve. work—

1900.06.21 Thurs.

Fine day – wrote to George— Usual work.

1900.06.22 Fri.

Spoke in Col. at 7. P.M. Kawai ( Rev.)[河合龜輔]called about account in connection with B. Foreign B. Soc. Work—hot.

1900.06.23 Sat.

Charming day – arose early – Hos. and Mission work—

1900.06.24 Sun.

Kau-a (玖仔)and I went to Pak-tau (北投)— A dozen went on sab. The Chapel repaired very fine – Four students spoke and Kau-a and I at last a few words—My voice still hoarse— In eve. in Col. I spoke a little on Rom. III.9 We sang many hymns had a few meeting—

1900.06.25 Mon.

Lovely day – Dew at night. Clear sky—usual work—

1900.06.26 Tues.

Teaching in Col. – Voice hoarse— Never suffered the same way before—

1900.06.27 Wed.

Hos. and Col. work.—

1900.06.28 Thurs.

Fine weather—explaining GalaIII

1900.06.29 Fri.

Heavy rain shower—

1900.06.30 Sat.

Three months since influenza attack me – as an epidemic— Loss of voice very since – Still kept on speaking in a low voice—Another month added to the past – Life! Blessed Jesus.

July 1900 Moody & Landsborough

1900.07.01 Sun.

Baro. 29-14 Ther. 82’ Kau-a (玖仔)and I went to Pat-li-hun(八里坌)– We both spoke—In Col. at 7 P.M. I addressed all on Gal. III: 25-29. Cloudy, Cool. Gentle showers – Ground wet—

1900.07.02 Mon.

Bar. 29-16 Ther. 82’ – Ground wet. Coll. At 7 A.M. Physics—

1900.07.03 Tues.

 Windy—usual work--- Hos. Col.

1900.07.04 Wed.

Windy – Lectured in Col. – Hos.

1900.07.05 Thurs.

Baro. Going down—usual work.

1900.07.06 Fri.

Last night wind very high— Baro. 20-6 at 6 A.M. cloudy— Ther. 83’ – sky overcast –sort of stillness At noon Baro. 29-7 and at 2 P.M. 29-8

1900.07.07 Sat.

Baro. 29-12 Ther. 82’ at 7 A.M. Sun out and only few clouds— Rev. Campbell N. Moody(梅鑒務) and Dr. D. Landsborough(蘭大衛) came at noon from the South.

1900.07.08 Sun.

Kau-a(玖仔) and I went to He-io-a. Col. in eve.

1900.07.09 Mon.

Usual work—Hos and Col.—

1900.07.10 Tues.

 Our guest here – Lndsborough (蘭大衛)sick.

1900.07.11 Wed.

Usual work—

1900.07.12 Thurs.

Col. and Hos.

1900.07.13 Fri.

We went to Bang-kah(艋舺) with our guests and saw them off at the station—

1900.07.14 Sat.

Attending to mission work.

1900.07.15 Sun.

15 We went to Ki-li-gan Chheng he sick.

1900.07.16 Mon.

( 16-19 George Ham: Hang Kong) Col. and Hos. work—

1900.07.17 Tues.

 Rather hot. Usual work—

1900.07.18 Wed.

Fine weather. Usual work.

1900.07.19 Thurs.

Hot throughout the day. Hos. Col. work

1900.07.20 Fri.

Baro. 29-18 Ther. 90’ at noon in the Hall. Hos. and Col. and Mission work— My throat not quite well—“ Formosa came in

1900.07.21 Sat.

Baro. 29-18 Ther. Dew last night as there has been for two weeks—

1900.07.22 Sun.

Kau-a(玖仔) and I went to Pat-li-hun (八里坌)and held a meeting – Col. in eve.

1900.07.23 Mon.

At 7 A.M. Ther. 82’ Fine day—

1900.07.24 Tues.

Not well—Busy all day. Mission works—

1900.07.25 Wed.

Ther. 80’ Expect George by the first Steamer— “ Formosa” came in; but he was not on board—Had a talk with Cap. Hodgins.

1900.07.26 Thurs.

Col. work— Five morning—cool and nice all do Japanese Steamer came in, but George did not come—

1900.07.27 Fri.

Ther. 80’ at 7 A.M. Delightful weather.

1900.07.28 Sat.

Baro. 29-16. Ther. 82’ at 7A.M. Lovely weather. My throat not well yet. Difficult to speak. At 4 P.M. ther. 92’ in the hall—

1900.07.29 Sun.

Kau-a(玖仔) and I went to He-io-a (灰窯仔) My voice still weak—Influenza truly is a scourge—

1900.07.30 Mon.

Fine morning – I sighted a steamer at 8 :45 A.M. It was the Formosa. At 1 P.M. sent a Telegram to Mr. Kirkhop “ Mackay come what steamer reply?” At 10 P.M. The answer came “ Tamsui Maru today”

1900.07.31 Tues.

 Fine night—stars shining brightly morning fine—7 A.M. Ther. 83’ Wrote letters to the Preachers to come for examination—


1900. George came home Aug. 2nd at 1 P.M.

1900.08.01 Wed.

At noon Ther. 94’ in the hall—Baro. 29-18 Lovely night—Fine morning— Many reports about killing Missionaries and Converts in China – Such reports try the faith our Christian here—

1900.08.02 Thurs.

2 Baro. 29-14 Ther. 82’ At 7 A.M. 9 A.M. espied the Steamer far out at Sea— George came home on the Tamsui Maru— We all went down to meet him at 1 P.M. He looked very well.

1900.08.03 Fri.

My throat not well yet. Spent the day with George—

1900.08.04 Sat.

Still no rain, hot weather. Very trying.

1900.08.05 Sun.

Kau-a (玖仔)and George went with me to Ki-li-gan and Pak-tau—The sun was like a furnace. Col. in eve.

1900.08.06 Mon.

A shower in the morning—Throat better

1900.08.07 Tues.

 Ex. Preachers – Titus 7 Ex. Preachers—

1900.08.08 Wed.

In the eve. had review of “ Pilgrim’s Progress” (《天路歷程》)–

1900.08.09 Thurs.

Same subject at night.

1900.08.10 Fri.

Hot weather. Baro. 29-16 Ther. 90’ Clear sky.

1900.08.11 Sat.

Baro. 29-16 Ther. 92’ – Clear sky, oppressive.

1900.08.12 Sun.

I went to He-io-a(灰窯仔) – Baro. 29-14. Ther. 92’ Clear night and clear sky—Oppressive.

1900.08.13 Mon.

Baro. 29-13 Ther. 92’ Hot few clouds. Little winds—Oppressive—

1900.08.14 Tues.

 Baro. 29-12 ther. 90’ – Clear, Oppressive— Some winds last night— Easter this morning – Not strong—

1900.08.15 Wed.

Baro. 29-12 Ther. 90’ in the morning. Most trying and oppressive weather. Trying also to be unable to speak except whisper. Still taught students by writing on the black-board—

1900.08.16 Thurs.

Baro. 29-13 Ther. 90’ very oppressive trying weather.

1900.08.17 Fri.

Morning read Geology with George. Baro. 29-10. Ther. 88’ at 7 A.M. Baro. 29-9 Ther. 94 nearly art 2 P.M. white clouds some winds—oppressive--

1900.08.18 Sat.

7 A.M. Baro. 29-9 Ther. 88’ Sky rather clear. Rev. Campbell(甘為霖) and Mrs. Campbell came –are their way home to Taiwanfoo--

1900.08.19 Sun.

Kau-a(玖仔) and I went to He-io-a (灰窯仔) Hot. Oppressive Baro. 29-9 – Ther. 92’ at noon—

1900.08.20 Mon.

Baro. 29-10 Ther. 90’ Small shower in the day—

1900.08.21 Tues.

 Baro. 29-11 Ther. 90’ – Like rain. Still Oppressive,-- The Campbell’s went with us to the College.

1900.08.22 Wed.

Baro. 29-12 Ther. 88’ The Campbells left by ‘ Tai-pit launch’. I got wet coming back after escorting them on board. Heavy rain—Rain—

1900.08.23 Thurs.

Baro. 29-16 Ther. 86’ cloudy.

1900.08.24 Fri.

Cloudy – rain—Col. eve.

1900.08.25 Sat.

No great change in weather—

1900.08.26 Sun.

Rain—Kau-a and I went to He-io-a (灰窯仔)

1900.08.27 Mon.

Fair weather. Hos. and Col.

1900.08.28 Tues.

 Windy—Hos. Col. in eve.

1900.08.29 Wed.

Baro. 29-18 – Ther. 80’ at 6 A.M. Dr. Wilkinson Called— Read as usual with George—Geology— W. M. Fitzgerald came at 7:30 P.M. to hear our Gramophone—

1900.08.30 Thurs.

30 Fine morning— Baro. 29-16 Ther. 90’ at noon. Tsui-tng-kha Sep. 2. Bap. 29. Lord’s Sup. 62. no present. 212

1900.08.31 Fri.

Baro. 29-17 Ther. 84’ at 9 A.M. clear sky First Div: closed their work – 13 to go Forth and 2 from 2nd. Div. Several preachers spoke in Col. Fine meeting— Sept.


1900.09.01 Sat.

Kau-a(玖仔), Kim bok(葉金木) George and I went to Bang-kah then Tsui-tng-kha (水返腳)– Examined 6 boys in the eve.

1900.09.02 Sun.

Bap. 29—212 present. Lord’s Sup. 62 In the eve. at Keelung (基隆)—

1900.09.03 Mon.

We went to the Japanese Gold mines— And were shown the machinery and the Pit 80 ft. long – horizontally— It took three hours to get there.

1900.09.04 Tues.

 We went to Loan-loan(暖暖) to see the chapel. Then in the away out in the harbor.

1900.09.05 Wed.

We came to Bang-kah(艋舺) then out to Tamsui Col. in eve. Ji-tin took the place of It-tin Typhoon

1900.09.06 Thurs.

Very hot. Ther. 90’ in the hall—

1900.09.07 Fri.

Burning hot. Col. in eve.

1900.09.08 Sat.

A foreign came from the “ Formosa” to see if I could attend one of the Chinese on the ship who got his leg injured.

1900.09.09 Sun.

Kau-a and George went with me to He-io-a (灰窯仔)– Col. in eve.

1900.09.10 Mon.

Hot, usual work—Read with Geo. Col. in eve.

1900.09.11 Tues.

 Still hot. 1st and 2 nd divisions in Col. studying.

1900.09.12 Wed.

Very trying weather. Col. in eve.

1900.09.13 Thurs.

Kau-a and I went to Pak-tau(北投) and married Hut-le and Ha kin— Came back Col. in eve.

1900.09.14 Fri.

Stormy, ans. Many letters from the country. Pressed with mission work. 6 P.M. Baro. 29-10. Ther. 84’ Stormy at night. Typhoon

1900.09.15 Sat.

At 6 A.M. Baro. 22’-1 Ther. 82’ At noon the weather cleared off somewhat.

1900.09.16 Sun .

I went to He-io-a – eve.

1900.09.17 Mon.

Damp- cloudy Baro. 29-13 Ther. 80’ at 7 A.M.

1900.09.18 Tues.

 Read with Geo. Usual work—Voice not right yet—

1900.09.19 Wed.

Nothing unusual occurred.

1900.09.20 Thurs.

College and Hospital work—

1900.09.21 Fri.

Read Geology with George. Taught in Col.

1900.09.22 Sat.

Kau-a and George went with me by steam launch to Bang-kah(艋舺). We got stuck on the way and with young Mr. Fitzgerald walked into Toa-tiu-tiaN(大稻埕). Then we took Rickshaw and went to Bang-kah. It took 2 hours— Bang-kah—23 Went to Jap. Hos. 24th Bap. 26 Lord’s sup. 66 no. present. 212

1900.09.23 Sun.

We went for worship at 10 A.M. 212 present – It was a fine meeting. Aminoff spent the day with us—

1900.09.24 Mon.

At 10 A.M. we went to the Jap. Hos. My throat was examined by two Drs. Came out to Tamsui.

1900.09.25 Tues.

 usual work—Read with George.

1900.09.26 Wed.

Sin-iok went with me to Tai-peh. Jap. Hos. My throat was again examined by Dr. Kuroiwa. We came out to Tamsui – Col. in eve.

1900.09.27 Thurs.

Engaged in Mission matters and Col. work—

1900.09.28 Fri.

Several Preachers and Converts came from the country – Again Mission matters. Col. work—Read with Geo. At night. Dr. Wilkinson Called—

1900.09.29 Sat.

Read with George in the morning. My voice not much better – Inhaling. Benzoin, Turpenting & Mr. Fitzgerald sent for me to dress a gun-shot wound. I put in 9 stitches. George left by ‘Tamsui Maru’ 30th 1 P.M. their time

1900.09.30 Sun.

30 George left at 1 P.M. on the ‘Tamsui Maru’(淡水丸) by their time. Rather a fine day. We all saw himself, Kau-a (玖仔)and I were on board. I bake him good-bye on deck. God be with him, poor boy, till we meet again. At 2 P.M. Khioh, Kau-a (玖仔) and I went to the Consulate and dressed Mr. Fitzgerald’s wound – col in eve. Blessed hope “ Shall meant to part no more”

Oct. 1900

1900.10.01 Mon.

Lovely morning – Fine all day. Repairing Col. Painting part of it. Dressed Fitz. Hand. Voice not stronger yet. Still conducting the classes—Only for the master! Only for Him”

1900.10.02 Tues.

 Somewhat cloudy—Dr. Wilkinson came around. We went to Hos. Preachers from country came—Col. in eve. Met in Girl’s School.

1900.10.03 Wed.

Rather fine – Busy arranging mission Matter and Col. work—

1900.10.04 Thurs.

At usual work— Lam-kham 7th Bap. 2 Ex. 7 more Lord’s supper

1900.10.05 Fri.

My voice not much improved—addressed the students tho. By means of one of last class reading for me—

1900.10.06 Sat.

Kau-a(玖仔) and I went to IN-khut-a (圓窟仔)and Lam-kham(南崁). Reports all over about Japanese about to leave the Island—Foreigner to be expelled from China etc. all the false reports which are circulated in China. Claiming that the Emperor issued such a proclamation—Bad effect on our work—The timid are being frightened.

1900.10.07 Sun.

At Lam-kham(南崁) I examined really a dozen, but only bap. Two children. Had the Lord’s supper— Came back to Tamsui. Meeting in Col. New chapel finished – very fine Dressed Fitzgerald’s at 7 P.M.

1900.10.08 Mon.

Fine day—College work. Hos. attending to letters from the country. Eve. meeting.

1900.10.09 Tues.

 Lovely day. Last night fine moon light. My voice not improving much— O how I long to Preach Jesus and Him crucified with my voice! This is an affection to be borne – Ah yes. Borne patiently. Dr. Wilkinson Called and is very anxious; but can’t do more for me than that he has recommended—I used the Inhale several times a day— Dressed Fitzgerald’s arm and at 9 A.M. good eve. meeting in Col.—“Hailoong” in sight.

1900.10.10 Wed.

Cloudy- Cooler—Tsui-leng a(郭水龍) student read for me to first division. Hos. Co. in eve.

1900.10.11 Thurs.

Still cool, cloudy. Put boundary stone up on the New cemetery which present to the Christians Tamsui—

1900.10.12 Fri.

Fog very dense—at 9 A.M. when inhaling alum and Terebinth, I suddenly had a coughing spell and for the first time put out some blood- red in color—Busy all day—Hos. Col. in eve.

1900.10.13 Sat.

Wet- drizzling rain— Pat-li-hun

1900.10.14 Sun.

Kau-a (玖仔)and I went to Pat-li-hun(八里坌). I bap. 1 Lord’s sup.:16 – Present 62. we came back and had a fine meeting in Col. at 7 P.M.

1900.10.15 Mon.

Usual work. Hos. and Col. A student spoke for me—

1900.10.16 Tues.

 Dr. Wilkinson and Miss. Dr. Crowther Called. And in the Hos. Ex. My throat. Laid a sort of tubercle was on one of my vocal chords—But Dr. Wilkinson said it was better than he ex. Before. Telegram at noon, not to speak to any one— Kept slips of paper ready and pencil in my pocket—Col. in eve. Gramo. After.

1900.10.17 Wed.

Miss Crowthwer took photo of myself and Students in Col.—Hos. at noon. She left at 2:30 P.M. A most interesting lady—Bright, cheerful, talented kind. Col. in eve.

1900.10.18 Thurs.

Arose early—9:30 dressed Fitz’s arm— Col. work—A student read for me.

1900.10.19 Fri.

Dressed arm at 9 : 30 A.M. Mr. Wilkinson examined my throat at 11 A.M. in Hos. said it was a little better— O it is hard to keep my mouth closed—not an attempt to speak. Tsui-leng(郭水龍) new Preacher, Student of last Last class – Read for me every day—Col. in eve—

1900.10.20 Sat.

Wet dressed arm at 9:30 A.M. Hos. at noon—Col. in eve. Students discussed the Life of Christ. 8 A.M. M. inhale: 3 P.M. and 9 P.M.

1900.10.21 Sun.

Baro. 29-18 Ther,. 76’ Just like Typhoon wind and rain all day—Whole day spent in meditation on heaven—and Jesus—

1900.10.22 Mon.

Some rain—cloudy –sea rough— Tsui-leng(郭水龍) spoke for me in Col. 8 A.M. Inhaled Terebene and aqua— Dressed Fitz’s arm—Dr. Wilkinson Called. Hos.—2 P.M. Inhaled Terebene – Col. Delightful eve. meeting. Inhaled Tinct: Jod : etc. 9 P.M. Meditated on Baxter’s Sant’s rest—

1900.10.23 Tues.

 Fine day—have not spoke a word since week to day—O it is hard. Using every means recom ! by Dr. Wilkinson to relieve my throat. Jas. W. American Consul, Mr. Davidson called and borrowed several ( 4 ) books on Bot. -- Col. inhale 3 times every day. Have to use many slips of paper in writing as I don’t attempt to speak. Mr. Fitzgerald came last night to the Co. and played on a Mouth organ.

1900.10.24 Wed.

Fine day—dressed Fitz arm— Went to Col.- Did not sleep well last night. From the morning a change seemed to take place in having less expectoration and no cough either. Cough indeed not any day. Got letter from Dr. Crowther sent it to Dr. Wilkinson. Not much good sleep.

1900.10.25 Thurs.

Most charming morning – Feel in better spirit than for a week— Throat not so sore—Col. in eve. Christ’s life—

1900.10.26 Fri.

Little cloudy—Dressed Fitz’s arm— Dr. Wilkinson examined my throat and said there were two spots; but not Malignant.

1900.10.27 Sat.

Last night cough just a little before midnight. I think the effect of inhaling Terebene –Tinct Jod and water. At. 1 A.M. Kau-a (玖仔)gave me a glass of milk and brandy according to Dr. Wilkinson’s wish— Slept most comfortable till 6 A.M.. In the morning when Inhaling; less expectoration than any day before— At 8 A.M. dressed Fitz.’s arm.

1900.10.28 Sun.

Kau-a (玖仔)and I went to He-io-a(灰窯仔) Bap. Lord’s sup. Present Kau-a did the speaking for me— Did not sleep well last night—The day comfortable tho.—Time meeting in Col. I wrote on Blackboard one idea about heaven. Means of grace not needed, and therefore not there.

1900.10.29 Mon.

What glorious morning! Slept well last night—A little coughing because I think got a little chilly—At midnight a drink of cold water stopped it. College work all day—eve. meeting fine—

1900.10.30 Tues.

 Another delightful day, though hot at noon—Slept well last night. Arose early – O but it is hard not to be able to speak—Two weeks today I began and have not spoken a word since—

1900.10.31 Wed.


Nov. 1900 [11.01 馬偕前往香港治療。]

1900.11.01 Thurs.

God hnows my bleeding heart— At 9 P.M. with Chheng-gi (陳清義) and Kau-a (玖仔) went on the “ Formosa” Dr. Wilkinson on board—

1900.11.02 Fri.

At 5:30 Formosa left.

1900.11.03 Sat.

At 6 A.M. entered Amoy (廈門)harbor – fine weather.

1900.11.04 Sun.

At 4 P.M. left – fine weather.

1900.11.05 Mon.

At 7 A.M. arrived at Swatow (汕頭)– Saw Mr. Gauld(吳威廉)— 6 P.M. set sail again.

1900.11.06 Tues.

 At 11 A.M. arrived at Hong Kong(香港) “ Connaught Hotel” Met Mr. Gauld(吳威廉) – How Providentiet— 6:30 P.M. Dr. Wilkinson went with me to Dr. Stedman’s. He examined my throat and said a clear specific etc.

1900.11.07 Wed.

Examined again at 3:30 P.M.

1900.11.08 Thurs.

At 4 P.M. Dr. Stedman Painted my throat first time.

1900.11.09 Fri.

Examined & Painted and said “ It is a little better”

1900.11.10 Sat.

Examined, painted and said “ a little better”

1900.11.11 Sun.

Dr. Stedman exam.: and painted at 12:30 A.M. and said “ A little better” Went with George to Union church 6 P.M.

1900.11.12 Mon.

George came – 4 P.M. to Sr. Stedman said “ A little better – “ Chhenggi, Kau-a & George with me.

1900.11.13 Tue.

4 P.M. to Dr. Stedman, Weighed 119 lbs said “ Cannot be Malignant according to that” George came and and we went along “ Kennedy Road” Then I saw him on the way to School room – his home—

1900.11.14 Wed.

Went for walk with Chhenggi and Kau-a 4 P.M. saw Dr. Stedman Painted my throat. George came—

1900.11.15 Thurs.

George came at 2 P.M. Went to Dr. 4 P.M. another Dr. Examined my throat—

1900.11.16 Fri.

Glorious day—Feel well physically – Last night no cough and no expec ! Whatever voice seems better.

1900.11.17 Sat.

At 4 P.M. went to Dr. Stedman Then took Rickshaw to Happy Valley – The 3 of us and George walked back to Kennedy Road—

1900.11.18 Sun.

Fine day—Went to Dr. Stedman 12:30 Dr. Hoffman also looked at throat. 6:30 P.M. The 3 of us and George went to Mission Church—Rev. Wilkinson spoke well on Isai: “Come now let us reason “ I. E.

1900.11.19 Mon.

Cloudy, wet Dr. Stedman painted my throat at 4 P.M. – said “ It is better, But O the hour in this room !!!!

1900.11.20 Tues.

 Went to Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M. He said “ The left vocal chord is now perfect. George came and we had a walk together—

1900.11.21 Wed.

Weather rather fine – Saw Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M. George did not come.

1900.11.22 Tues.

 Fine day, saw Dr. Stedman 4 P.M. George came at 2 P.M. and stayed till 5 P.M.

1900.11.23 Fri.

Fine day, we 3 had a walk— Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M. I weighted 122 lbs. He said “ It can’t be Malignant”

1900.11.24 Sat.

Forenoon the 3 of us had a long walk, nearly 2 hours— George called at 2 P.M. at 4 P.M. the Dr. said. “ A little better”

1900.11.25 Sun.

Fine day – Spent it in Meditation –12:30 A.M. went to Dr. Stedman—Dr. Hartigan also looked at my throat. He said ‘ I looked better bodily – Read Psalms and though for hours— George came at 9 A.M. Then Kau-a Chheng-g and he went to Union Church—Also 4 P.M. and came back at 7:30 P.M.

1900.11.26 Mon.

Fine day. The 3 of us went along Cain Road for a walk. Went to Dr. Stedman’s at 4 P.M. He said “ The front a little better”

1900.11.27 Tues.

 We went along Cain Road for a walk. 4 P.M. I went to Dr. Stedman.

1900.11.28 Wed.

We went along the sea-side –harbor- and back by Cain Road—Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M.

1900.11.29 Thurs.

Chheng-gi and I went for a walk along Kennedy Road—Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M. He said “ a little cleaner” I think the other Dr. present was Hoffman, He examined and said “ It looks like a broken down gummata” and said I did not look like one who had any thing Malignant—Dr. Stedman said “ No. not a bit” Fri.

30 A voice said to me “ you will preach for Jesus in North Formosa” blessed Savior Spirit Divine!

1900.11.30 Fri.

Fine day—Went for walk – George came – Saw Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M. Will stayed another month. Something had told my soul I will again Preach in North Formosa—JUSUS REIGNS.

 Dec. 1900

1900.12.01 Sat.

Lovely weather – Went for walk—Dr. Stedman 4 P.M.

1900.12.02 Sun.

Fine day – George came at 9 A.M. they went to Union Church and I read my Bible— Much about Jesus – At 12:30 saw Stedman George dinned with me at 7:30—

1900.12.03 Mon.

Went for walk along Kennedy Road— Saw the Dr. about 4 P.M. He said “ It has not healed very much, but it has not extended” and you are gaining weight that is very favorable” The 3 of us went by Rickshaw to Happy Vally—

1900.12.04 Tues.

 We took a walk along Kennedy Road— Saw Dr. at 4 P.M. He said “ as you are gaining in weight, it must be all right”

1900.12.05 Wed.

Went to the West side for a walk. Dr. Stedman said at 4 P.M. “it is cleaner”

1900.12.06 Thurs.

Fine weather – Usual walk – Dr. Stedman at 4 George spent some time with us—

1900.12.07 Fri.

Walk along Kennedy Road— The. Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.08 Sat.

Saw Dr. Stedman at 4 P.M. Dr. Hoffman also Examined my throat again— Said “ It is coming to the surface more” Stedman sain “ It not worse, but better”

1900.12.09 Sun.

Spent the day in Meditation— The reat with George went to Church. Saw the Dr. at 12. 30 A.M.

1900.12.10 Mon.

Clear, cool weather – chhenggi & I went along Cain Road for a walk. Kau-a writing to Bro. John— At 4 P.M. Dr. Stedman said “ It certain is not worse”

1900.12.11 Tues.

 Went to Garden for a walk. A Miss Alexander who spent 25 years in Toronto called and talked much about Chinese Christians— Saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.12 Wed.

Ther. 70’ Usual work—Saw Stedman at 4 . Tai-sia, Kah-tsui, Theng-leng Sin-bok came.

1900.12.13 Thurs.

Ther. 70’ Went with all the Preachers to see the Gardens – saw the Dr. at 4 P.M. Geroge came and stayed a while –

1900.12.14 Fri.

Ther. 70’ Went along Kennedy road for a walk—saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.15 Sat.

Weather fine – Usual routine. Saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.16 Sun.

Saw the Dr. at 12.30 -- A.M.

1900.12.17 Mon.

Ther. 58’ Outside—George came and I talked with him for the first time about what course of studies he should pursue – Attended what College ? Saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.18 Tues.

 Clear and cool – We all went to the garden – saw the Dr. at 4 P.M. George came and we talked a long time.

1900.12.19 Wed.

Fine day – we all went by “ Bowen” road—and came back by rickshaw. Saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.20 Thurs.

We all went by Tramway to the “ Peak” walked around and came back the same way—George came at 2:30 – Saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.21 Fri.

All as usual – Saw the Dr. at 4 P.M. went to Kowloon.—

1900.12.22 Sat.

Walked a little—saw the Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.23 Sun.

Spent the whole day in reading about the works of Jesus—

1900.12.24 Mon.

Usual work—Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.25 Tues.

 Christmas – George came early and remained till 9 P.M. We all went to Happy Valley Cemetery —

1900.12.26 Wed.

Colder—wind and dust—Dr. at 4 P.M.

1900.12.27 Thurs.

Usual routine of work—George came and all set in the room—Did not go to see the Dr. rest.

1900.12.28 Fri.

Walked around – saw Sr. at 4 P.M.—George came – Read till wearied—

1900.12.29 Sat.

Ther. 75’ All in the room—at 4 P.M. Dr Stedman said for the first time “ It is smaller, the swelling is gone down and if we persevere, I think it will be without doing anything further”

1900.12.30 Sun.

Spent the time in meditation. Hard, trying work---